Angel’s landing- Hiking on America’s most dangerous trail

Some things in life come to you in a big fat surprise package. And a good-kind of surprise. The one that gives you happy memories whenever you remember them. Angel’s Landing was one such hike for us. Tarun and I were in the US in October 2019 when we planned the West Coast road trip …

Continue reading Angel’s landing- Hiking on America’s most dangerous trail

Sunrise at Deoria Tal

Deoria Tal- The hidden treasure in the heart of Uttarakhand

“Mountains are calling, and I must go” is not my story. “It’s my birthday and I must breathe some fresh air” is my story. I began this ritual in 2017. Every year, on my birthday, I take refuge in the mountains and trek to a peak where no one can call/WhatsApp me (sorry, family & …

Continue reading Deoria Tal- The hidden treasure in the heart of Uttarakhand